E24: Overhauling rear brake calipers

This post describes the overhaul of the rear brake calipers and parking brakes on an E24 M635CSi. I had my calipers sandblasted and painted by a company specializing in this type of work but you may also do this yourself. 1) PREPARATION - Repair kits (piston rings, dust covers, parking brake shoes, disks) - Half-open 11mm wrench, open 14mm wrench (to disconnect brake lines) - 19mm socket (to remove calipers) - Large screwdriver (to remove brake pad retainer clip) - Allen keys (to remove disk M8 inner hex bolt and caliper guiding bolts) - Copper brush (to remove dirt from the brake line connection) - WD40 You may drain the brake fluid before starting the procedure. I did not, just sealed the brake lines with a plastic bag after disconnecting them. After reinstallation of the calipers, the brakes need to be bled anyway. 2) LIFT CAR Jack up the rear of the car. Remove the wheel. 3) REMOVE CLIP Use a large screwdriver to remove the brake pad retainer clip by p...